Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda 09/21/2021
Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda
September 21, 2021 | 6:30 pm

  1. Meeting Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Mayors Recitation – In accordance with the Code of Ethics adopted by the Board, all town commissioners have a duty to obey all applicable laws regarding official actions; to uphold the integrity and independence of the office; to avoid impropriety in the exercise of official duties; to faithfully perform the duties of the office; and to conduct the affairs of the governing board in an open and public manner. Is there any item on the agenda the outcome of which will have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact for any Board member?  Also, does any Board member have a financial interest in any public contract coming before this Board today? There being none all Board members have a duty and obligation to vote.
  4. Approval of the Agenda
  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of the August 17, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes
  6. Good News
    1. Project & Facilities Manager - Luke Williams
  7. Public Comment– The public is invited to attend this meeting in person or view this meeting on Facebook Live: All documents related to agenda items not published on the website may be viewed in advance of the meetings in person at Town Hall, 90 Elk Mountain Rd, Woodfin.  
    Citizens may address the Board concerning various topics after being recognized by the Mayor.
  8. New Business
    1. ABC Board Monthly Report
    2. Presentation of Life Saving Award to Sergeant Joshua Grier
    3. Resolution Appointing Town Administrator as Deputy Finance Officer
    4. Town of Woodfin 2021 Comprehensive Plan
      1. Public Hearing regarding the 2021 Comprehensive Plan
      2. Consideration of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan
  9. Departmental & Administrator's Reports
    1. Police: August 2021 Totals
    2. Planning & Zoning
    3. Finance: Expenditures | Revenues
    4. Administration
    5. Public Works: August 2021 Totals
    6. Greenway & Blueway
  10. Executive Session - The Board of Commissioners may adjourn to private chambers to discuss legal, personnel, contractual, or similar matters protected by the NCGS § 143-318.11.
    1. NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(3): The public body may consider and give instructions to an attorney concerning the handling or settlement of a claim, judicial action, mediation, arbitration, or administrative procedure.
  11. Adjournment